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October 18, 2022
2 min to read

CMHA Vancouver-Fraser Saves on Fees Daily Using Zeffy for Donations, Ticketing, and Donor Management

Amount raised
Amount Saved
Written by
Emily Engott

CMHA's Mission

The Canadian Mental Health Association, Vancouver-Fraser, is one of the more extensive CMHA network branches. Founded in 1918, CMHA focuses on providing education and services to Canadians affected by mental illness and directly contributes to their communities' long-term health and well-being. 

As an agency, CMHA Vancouver-Fraser presently serves the Greater Vancouver Region. It provides mental health promotion and mental illness recovery-focused programs and services for people of all ages and their families. You can read more about the organization’s impact by checking out its 2021-2022 Impact Report.

saved with Zeffy
One student through the Here4Peers program

Challenges before switching to Zeffy

In order to maintain its programs and services, CMHA Vancouver-Fraser relies on donations, corporate partnerships, community events, foundation grants, government support and bequests. With human and financial resources being stretched thin, CMHA Vancouver-Fraser needs to maximize the impact of each donation. Therefore, when looking for a new solution, the organization knew it needed an online donation platform to enable 100 percent of contributions toward its mission.

Before using Zeffy, CMHA Vancouver-Fraser’s online donation, ticketing, and donor management systems were split between three platforms. The organization wanted to simplify its administrative work to stay organized, centralize data, and easily generate tax receipts and other documents. 

The 100% free solution

Since switching to Zeffy, CMHA Vancouver-Fraser has combined its donation, ticketing and donor management platforms in one convenient, zero-fee location. The organization doesn’t often host its own events, but when it does, it leverages Zeffy to generate individual and group tickets. Additionally, it recommends Zeffy to third-party partners that fundraise in support of CMHA Vancouver-Fraser.

CMHA Vancouver-Fraser also uses Zeffy for donations, which enables the organization to maximize each donor dollar to pay for services provided in the community. For instance, it costs $2,500 for one student to go through the Here4Peers program; thus, every dollar counts. For its donor management needs, CMHA Vancouver-Fraser can easily integrate its data with Salesforce to simplify its administrative labor. 

Features used


Make giving easy with customizable forms.

Offer your website visitors an efficient and intuitive way to give to your cause.

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Peer-to-peer campaigns

Help your community fundraise for you.

Make it easy for your community to participate in your fundraising efforts.

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Sell and manage tickets to your events.

Sell more tickets for your next fundraising event with frictionless ticketing forms.

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Open an online store for your nonprofit.

Diversify your fundraising by opening on online store for your nonprofit.

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Raffles & Lotteries

Host a raffle at your next event.

Easily launch a raffle with our numbered ticketing options.

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Gather and monitor bids for your items, no fees attached.

Diversify your fundraising by inviting your donors to bid on items.

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Turn your supporters into members

Make it easy for your supporters to register as a member to your cause.

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Donor management

Manage and engage your donors.

Diversify your fundraising by inviting your donEngage with the right donors at the right time with seamless donor management.ors to bid on items.

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For Penaaz Sidhu, Manager of Fundraising and Communications at CMHA, Vancouver-Fraser Zeffy has been instrumental in saving the organization time and money.

“Zeffy is incredibly easy to use,” she said. “We have a lot of operational constraints that make it difficult for us to learn new platforms, and Zeffy has proven to be very intuitive. Plus, it’s free, which makes a huge difference in providing mental health education and resources to our community.”